“I was always a Holden fan, those were my dream cars” is how Michael explained his original thought process and car history before purchasing an iconic JDM staple.Holden Commodore, the Australian motor vehicle icon, the quintessential Australian family and enthusiast car was the underlining model that Michaels love for cars grew from in Australia. Heritage, looks, comfortable, reliable, 4 doors, room for the family, plenty of aftermarket mods all while being a great daily for all occasions with heaps of power when needed! These were the characteristics and elements that Michael looked for in a dream daily driver.
Moving from car to car, looking for a dream daily then coming to the crossroads that all car enthusiasts who become parents eventually get too… how do I put my passion into my daily driver, while being able to modify it to make it my own but still be responsible where I can use it as a family car. Your options are normally to settle for an SUV, purchase a boring sedan or wait and save to get a weekend car.
Michael has definitely gone through this process during his car journey, owning a variety of cars trying to find the perfect fit. From a Mitsubishi Magna to a Holden VP then changing to a Corolla for a couple of years before shifting to Ford Falcon FG. Finally, he thought I am going to purchase my dream daily.
With the shift of manufacturing of the vehicle no longer being domestic, drop in domestic demand Michael was still planning on staying true with the Aussie icon as he had the opportunity to purchase a Holden VF SV6. On the way to do the final test drive and sign the paperwork, he was convinced by his son to go and test out some other cars, one of them being Subaru. Always being a fan of the Subaru WRX but never driving it Michael thought why not? I have nothing to lose by trying some other models out.
Michael test drove the car and instantly fell in love. The WRX delivers all the elements he was looking for from the Holden. But the WRX was more agile, being better around corners and felt much safer. This was an instant game-changer that Michael couldn’t come back from. He decided to go ahead with the WRX and leave the Holden behind.
Michaels favourite elements of the car are the slick design and safety features. The looks and vibe of the car are sporty but not too aggressive. Being able to show that the car has power but style at the same time. Having this fantastic base to work with Michael felt comfortable with adding his personal spin on the car.
Why a WRX and not an STI? “everyone wants an STI, some of them even put STI wings on the WRX but that’s their style and I want to be different.”
Every modification and element that has been done to the car represents me and that shows my personality.“ This is my style, it’s not about the biggest and best it’s about who I am and not what I have.”
The choice to have the Varis bumper instead of the typical splitter with rods was done because it sleek and understated. The rear diffuser was chosen for the same reason. Instead of going the big aftermarket wing, Michael wanted to go with the duckbill spoiler as it accentuated the beautiful lines of the car.
The biggest surprise Michael has found since purchasing the WRX is the people and opportunities that have come through this car journey. Regularly attending car meets, meeting and hanging with other Subaru enthusiasts has further exposed him to the depth within car culture. The nature and passion behind the car community and the stories behind each person’s build have left a lasting impression.
“I have met some people that have not only become my friends, but some of them became family. Not because of the car simply because we have the same passion and respect for each other regardless of what car you drive”
Michael has some more sleek modifications in store for the near future and we are excited to see what’s next!